
A global conservation business that creates a direct financial link between those who want to protect and restore our planet and those best placed to do so.

We are rethinking conservation by creating a new paradigm in which the global economy truly values the stewardship of nature.


Level ensures that local community efforts to protect and maintain the world’s most valuable natural landscape resources are valued and properly funded.

Our results-based approach recognises and values the contribution of those who protect nature, addressing the imbalance between the worlds of business and conservation.

We create and support models that channel funds from those committed to addressing the climate and biodiversity crises to those whose stewardship protects natural resources. Now instead of bearing the cost of conservation, they can now benefit from a commitment to manage and conserve it.


To find out more about our approach to financing measurable successes in biodiversity conservation, read our latest report.

Level is passionate about tangible change and impact, providing demonstrable, on-the-ground results. Level supports the design, implementation and long-term maintenance of high-quality nature management projects. This includes innovative approaches to evidencing and communicating the demonstrable impacts of the projects on community wellbeing, wildlife and climate resilience.


To find out more about our approach to evidencing social impact, read our latest report.


If conserving nature is to deliver triple bottom-line benefits for people, the environment and the economy, we need to go beyond simply recording how conservation finance contributes to one-dimensional impact data such as livelihoods and school attendance. 


Reflect enables conservation organisations, financiers, funders, and standards agencies to understand the intangible. By measuring the lived experiences of communities and utilising data and technology, Reflect generates valuable insights that enable organisations to evidence the social value of their conservation projects and investments while mitigating the risks associated with funding community-led conservation.

Our community-led approach is demonstrated in our award-winning flagship projects developed by Carbon Tanzania

The project involves 12 village communities, with approximately 61,000 people

Project area: 110,527ha
Finance disbursed: US$ 652,382
Trees saved per year: 171,700
The project involves 5 village communities, with approximately 15,000 people

Project area: 104,065 ha
Finance disbursed: US$ 334,000
Trees saved per year: 268,000
The project involves 8 village communities, with approximately 36,000 people

Project area: 216,000ha
Finance disbursed: US$ 741,400
Trees saved per year: 1,250,000


Co-founders, Jo Anderson and Marc Baker, have a proven track record in delivering high-impact projects that have a significant, direct impact on communities. Our success is based on a complex interplay of activating local and national government, strengthening indigenous land rights, verifying results, investing in communities, distribution, and communication and education around managing nature.


Young Datooga girl carrying calabash


In the face of a global environmental crisis, our article“Understanding the ‘S’ in ESG” examines the challenges in measuring and communicating the benefits of the social impact in nature-based solutions (NBS) projects.    While there is an increasing acknowledgment of the significance of Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPs and

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A Level perspective on new and emerging financing opportunities for biodiversity conservation   We have arrived at a tipping point for global conservation. Finally, governments, international agencies, private finance, market organisations, academics and standard agencies are taking biodiversity seriously1. As biodiversity markets develop, they could revolutionise the speed, scale, quality and social impacts of conservation efforts. While

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Community-led conservation

Indigenous people and local communities are the most effective stewards of nature. When they have reliable, secure rights over their natural resources and receive appropriate compensation for their efforts to protect and manage them, powerful results in climate action are possible.

We are reframing the relationship between global economics and global protection. Level carbon and biodiversity investments provide the link to the global financial system that enables local communities to earn revenues from the protection of their natural resources.

Level designs and supports the implementation of projects that not only recognise the role of local people in conservation, but integrally depend on their involvement.

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